Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How can Tibet be flourishing

As a people who was born and raised in China, when I heard people protest to free Tibet, I cannot help wondering what kind of freedom these people are asking for. Do these people really understand what freedom is? Do they really know what situation is best for Tibetans?
First of all, I have to say, Tibet was and is one part of China. Even though Chiang Kai-Shek gave away Outer Mongolia, he still admitted Tibet is one part of China. The government of People's Republic of China never and won't ever give up Tibet. This is a fact and never will be changed.
July 1st 2006, Qing Zhang railroad launched. The great railroad changed Tibetans' lives. Tourism industry help Tibet get billions revenue annually. Developing economic situation helps Tibetans approach better living standard and happiness. If happiness and better living standards don't represent freedom, so what is it?
Let us trace back to when Tibet under Dalai Lama’s reign. 80% or more resources were controlled by landlords and monks who are just less than 20% population. Tibet is one of the few places controlled by religion. People were hunted rudely under such tyranny. Their skin was peeled, their eyes were scratched, and their arms were stumped. No Tibetan would like to go back to danger. They have no reason to refuse better lives.
In a word, Tibet being a part of China is unchangeable truth. Only as one part of China, Tibet develops smoothly and quickly.


Matthew Hennessey said...

Many of the claims you make in this blog post are normative and unsupported by provable fact. I suggest you offer links to back up your assertions.

The bedrock of political freedom is liberty. Prosperity and happiness are conditions that may obtain where liberty is present, but liberty is the essential 'first thing' of freedom. For more on this, read Mill, Locke, Rousseau, Jefferson, Kant, even Karl Marx. Personal liberty, positively and negatively defined, is the bedrock of political freedom.

You ask, amazingly, whether Tibetans really know what situation is best for Tibet. If not Tibetans, then whom? The central conceit of tyranny is to assume that subject populations are incapable of governing themselves.

The fact that the PRC will not give up Tibet no more makes Tibet part of China than my refusal to give up my girlfriend means we are still together.

O(∩_∩)O said...

Yes. Only real Tibetans know what situation is best. I do ask some Tibetans and the answer is Tibet under PRC is the best periods. I dont believe Tibet has no liberty as part of China. For Tibetans' habit,they even can wear falchions in Public.China government do respect Tibetans.