Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chinese Americans in American President Election


Clinton and Obama sent open letters to celebrate Chinese New Year separately last week. It is obvious that both of their intention is getting Chinese Americans’ support. There are about three million Chinese Americans. They can affect not only the competition between Clinton and Obama in the Democratic primaries, but also the whole American President campaign.

Until Feb 12th, Obama got 1181 delegates and Hillary got 1173. It is worth mentioning because this is the first time Obama surpassed Clinton in the number of delegates since the Iowa caucuses. According to Democratic primaries rule, in primaries, candidate has to get at least 2025 delegates to clinch the Democratic nomination. Obama and Clinton have been devotedly fighting for each delegate. Naturally, the community of about three million of Chinese Americans is an important part of their targets.

Compared with Republican, more Chinese Americans support Democratic. The most important reason is that Democratics give more protection on minorities’ interests and claim culture diversity. On the other hand, Republicans show more conservative toward immigrations. That is why in 2000 President Election most Chinese Americans voted for Gore.

It is easy to find that Chinese Americans support Clinton more in California Democratic primaries. Obama never stop his active pursuit of Asians’ supports. He sent his Chinese New Year greeting letter out even one day earlier than Clinton did. His sincerity helped him win considerable supports from Chinese American community.

There are eleven million Asian Americans and over one fourth of them are Chinese. It is an important political power and cannot be ignored. Chinese Americans will play a more important role on American politics. It is not only due to the big population but also because of the more and more important role of China in the world. I believe that Chinese Americans will affect American politics more along with the development of China.

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